Thursday, June 24, 2010

Summer Vacation

It is June. Almost July. This means its summer time and though possibly my favorite season of the year, it also means I am officially unemployed. Sort've. I'm a teacher so technically I'm on vacation, but vacations prove to be less fun when they are unpaid (this does not apply, however, to my 3 day trip to Maui because ... well ... its Maui and let's face it ... second graders are praying for a substitute to torture by the end of the year). So I have recently begun this "vacation," and spent the first couple of days pitying myself and my lack of paycheck, but realized two things in the midst of my sorrow:

1) I am married. I am no longer that poor (literally) daughter sheepishly moving back in with the 'rents for free rent and sustinance. I have a husband who actually works 12 months of the year and who surely doesn't need my income ...

2) I am a teacher. Blood, sweat, and tears are poured out for nine months as I labor over lesson plans, books reports, papers to grade, and parent-teacher conferences. Patience is tested to an illegal level, and there were times I found myself uttering things such as "It's not kind to call your classmate a fart face" or "Thank you so much for bringing in your pet cockroaches, but it's very important that we put Mr. Roach back in his cage." You know what people? I deserve a vacation! (Preferrably paid, but I think I'll lose that battle)

So now, I am no longer wallowing in self pity, but revelling in my newfound freedom. That's right, I am sleeping in, working out in the morning (okay sometimes), eating something other than a peanut butter and jelly sandwich for lunch (remember, unpaid summers), reading, sitting by the pool, and ignoring my husband's subtle nudges to perhaps find something part time to fill my time (and my wallet). It's bliss, I tell you.

Here's to vacations. The paid and the unpaid. (I'm just saying ...)

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