Thursday, October 4, 2012

Pillow Fight!

... not the fun kind.  It's not even so much a fight as it is an "agree to disagree" ~ a marital compromise if you will.  I have a mild obsession with pillows.  But don't all decorator-savvy girls? I never realized it was a problem until I got married. One evening I noticed Eric sitting on a pillow.  Yes, ON a pillow.  I objected.  He looked at me like I was crazy and replied, "What else am I supposed to do with ALL these pillows?"  He was surrounded.  I tried to explain to him that pillows made a room look comfy.  That pillows brought that much need "pop of color."  That pillows tie it all together.  But we both knew the truth.  They're useless.  Especially if you can't sit on them (but really, ON a pillow?)

There's also the issue of the heap of pillows on the bed.  A must, right?  But then they have to be stacked somewhere and if one's bed isn't always made (don't blame me - I wake up first), they stay stacked in a corner.  And husband makes comments such as, "Why do we even have all these pillows?"

Our guest bedroom has a decent amount of pillows as well.  Again, a heap of pillows on a bed is just so ... right.  These pillows are left over from the old colors that our master bedroom used to be (redecorating - another obsession of mine, but at least I'm reusing!)  We have had one guest since we bought our home.  It was my sister, though, and I am CERTAIN she appreciated the pillows.  Otherwise, they are usually hidden beneath clothes laying out to dry or perhaps a sleeping cat.

Oh!  And our living room ... we just found some furniture for it (woot woot Craigslist) and the pieces are in desperate need of pillows.  Even Eric said so himself and I am sure he is kicking himself for that slip of the tongue.  That's all the push I need.  Within hours I was pillow shopping.  And still am!  It's exhilarating. 

So there you have it.  Eric puts up with pillows and I love him for it.  See the guilty obsession below ...

~ Heidi

                                                                        The TV room

                                                              The Master Bedroom

                                                                        Guest Room

                                             A possible contender for the new living room chair

                                   This adorable map of Paris pillow that I found and need a home for

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