Sunday, October 9, 2011

A Day in the Life of Riley

Hi, my name is Riley and I am enjoying my new home with my parents and the resident cat. I'd never actually seen a cat before, and I was terrified of her when we first met, but now I know she won't hurt me. She reminds me of a giant stuffed chew toy and sometimes I can't help myself and I bite her tail. That makes her grouchy. Most of the time, I chase her around the house, but she doesn't play fair and always jumps up on places I can't reach.

Anyway, some of my favorite things to do include ...

1) Fetching trash out of the trash can. I prefer cotton balls and rolled up tissues.
2) Watching the cat drink from the toilet. I think I'm supposed to do that, but I can't reach.
3) Chasing the cat around the house in circles until she decides she doesn't "feel like it anymore."
4) Taking my leash in my mouth and walk myself down the hall.
5) Fetching leaves and other random items on the sidewalk.
6) Cuddling with my parents on the couch. They try to say no, but I just give them "the face" ... you know the one.
7) Using my manners so I get treats. I know how to sit, lay down, and stay, but I'm not sure about this "play dead" thing. Whatever.
8) Rolling on patches of clean grass.
9) Digging holes and laying in them.
10) Eating the cat's food ... you snooze, you loose!
11) Playing with dogs and people at the dog park (even though a little girl called me a baby kangaroo when she saw me)

I'm not perfect, but I'm learning everyday how to be a nice dog.

~ Riley

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